Tools Are Vital for Repair, Maintenance, Support and Creation
– Proper tool will make all the difference when it counts. They are used daily, even minute-by-minute in all areas of life. Tools not only make everything work better, faster, and more effectively, there are many things that are only made possible because of specific tools. Critically important tools can be found in all nine of the Provident Living Modules. They are far more diverse than just shovels, hammers and saws. As an example, a needle is a tool that once coupled with thread allows the repair, maintenance or creation of clothing. Fire is a critically important tool that allows one to cook, sanitize, heat, repair or see in the dark. The fire itself will be supported and maintained by a variety of different appliances, which are themselves tools (lantern, stove, torch, heater, etc.). A vehicle is a tool for the conveyance of people, materials, supplies or any host of objects. Animals can be tools that multiply our ability to accomplish some very important tasks that manpower alone could not do. There are tools for learning, growth, and change: CD’s, DVD’s, books, classes, webinars, internet, etc. Some tools are nice to have around, while others are absolutely necessity for ones well-being. It will be important for you to develop your own priority list of tools to match your specific situation and needs. You may want to consider it important to have on hand extras of some of the most critical basic tools. First you’ll want to have backup of items you just cannot do without. For example, I have a fair number of different knives and blades plus several different sharpening “stones”. I believe it is also important to have extras of some items to give away or trade as a way of helping others who may be struggling because of the lack of a tool. After all, to help feed someone you could catch a fish for them. However, in an emergency, when you have your hands full caring for your own needs, it may be far better for you to give them fish hook, line, bate and pole (the tools for fishing) so they can provide for themselves. It is also important to recognize that no single person or household can have every tool that might be needed at some point. Some are very specialized and only needed occasionally, but within a community it might be utilized regularly. Some tools also take specific skill and practice to be effectively used. Also, some are quite expensive for each household to have their own for only occasional use. This is one of the reasons it is important to develop a “community” where tools, time, and other things can be shared in order to lesson the burden on all — to the ultimate benefit of all. V1.0 RD-2014.05.28 |